Or suppose I say heaven of TRUE LOVE? :>
Just finish watching Syurga Cinta at TV3 1 of de Movie Raya, starring Awal sumthing ( I 4got his full name) Awal Ashari, if I not mistaken, n Heliza AF5.
Intresting movie, almost same as Ar-Rayyan(1 of weekend drama at tv3, starring Raja Farah n I 4get!:>)
Well, I quite in touch wen I watched dat movie.
Hope some1 can sincerely love me. Or hoping some1 can changed bcause of me, but sure I will prefer if he changed bcause of Allah.
Dat movie stated 3 things dat hard 4 me to 4get, is about 'JODOH'.
Jodoh divided into 3;
1st is Jodoh from de Satan,
Which is, 2 people met, sure 2 different sex people of course, n they keep holding each other hand, n soon de girl will pregnant n den they married. Dis is de 1st type of Jodoh.
2nd is Jodoh from Jin,
Which is a guy met a girl, but de girl dindt like the guy, de de guy potioned the girl or using magic upon the girl through the jin. Den the girl like de guy n they get married. This is de 2nd type of Jodoh.
3rd is Jodoh from Allah,
Which is a pure Jodoh dat really cum from the greatest Allah.
1st time see each other, den de guy ask de girl's parents for a permission to get marry wif de girl, den de girl accept it. dat is de 3rd type of Jodoh. N I hope I can achieve it!!
Talked about Jodoh, everyone hope day can get the right Jodoh for their own. But life in not going like wat we r planning. So to get a right Jodoh, we should pray sincerely to Allah.
My mum always reminded me about dat. She always said that:
' A good man is for a good woman, and a good woman is made for a good man;
A bad man is for a bad woman , and a bad woman is made for a bad man too.'
I dont know whether I agree with dat statement or not,
because nowadays we can see many marriage are not successful,some of it husbands are good but not their wives, and some of it wives are good but not their husbands, so?
Actually, that's all are percaturan Allah.
We dont know what actually are hiding disebaliknya.
As a good and loyal slave, wat we can do is continuously pray for de good, n dont ever 4get Allah in wat situation at all.
Actually I love to watched other people wedding. 4me it still long time to go b4 I get married. And wif my physically looked, no man will willingly or sincerely to accept me as their bride.
I love to watched Syurga Cinta, Im touched wen I watched det movie!
Thanks to hero brother too.. his idea is brilliant!!

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