Ok, I'm in UiTM Merbok, doing my Foundation of Law for 3 semester. Well. I'm quite nervous when first step in the university. Where I'm going to study now, where I'm going to live now, who I'm going to be friend and what I'm going tu study is totally different from my actual life. I never be in a huge Malay society before this, furthermore my Malay is quite rubbish, even my family sometimes will laugh at me when I talked in Malay. I always pray to Allah for give me strength to handle this. 0 fear!
So, now I an university student and I quite satisfied about my new life. I have many good friends here that willing to help me so far, good lecturers and good facility too..
Talk about subjects that I had take, here the list :
- BEL 120 - Consolading English
- BEL 130 - English Communication
- MTC 012 - Introducing to Law 1
- MTC 016 - Malaysia's Politics and Government
- CSC 134 - Computer Science
Now let me introduce my lecturers!

Mdm. Azlin Rosli
She is my CSC 134 lecturer. Actually at first, I don't really understand what is the relation between this subject with my course! Then, after I l have learned this subject, then I know what is the relation between this two subject! This subject have divide into two part. First is Theory, Second is Practical. I don't have my practical lecture picture. We call her Ms G. Mdm Azlin is responsible for Theory. Honestly, this subject help me a lot, especially when I want to buy meself a lappy! While practical have improve my understanding about Microsoft and its multiple used according to every version. As the one who will practice the use of law in future, I thing we should have many information from various field, so, people can't easily condemn us! Am I right?

Ms. Salmah Roslim
This is my MTC 016 lecturer. Isn't she cute? HOHOHO, honestly I have no chance to sleep at all in her class. Besides that, she is also a psychology lecture in sem 2. Although she looks a little bit fierce, but actually she is quite a sociably person! She is very strict in teaching and marking paper too.. So, you better watch out when doing her assignment or test paper. Otherwise don't dream to get credit in her subject!

Mdm Rohayati Hussin
She is my MTC 012 lecturer. She is so tiny, it's hard to believe that she's already married. Although she looked like that, but she is very serious in teaching. No mercy!
So far, I really work hard in her subject although I have a really big problem in memorise all the dead scholar view. But I love to learn the 'kids' of law. Eg: Law as morality,justice,equality,etc.
I really can't memorise well the scholar view as friend does.
The only scholar view I remember is: Hari Chand
= " Without equality, people will not be fraternity"

Ms Faten Najwa Zamani
This is my BEL 130 lecturer. She just graduated from UiTM Shah Alam in TESL Degree and haven't convo yet. If I not mistaken, she just 5 years old than us. It is almost more than 1 month and a half we don't have BEL 130 lecturer until she suddenly 'appear' as our lecturer. She is really fun lecturer, she's kind, happy-go-lucky and talkative too! I like her big eye when she's pointed at us! Her subject is very interesting . We need to do a forum, a sketch as her assignment. Sometimes, we also have chance to watch movie too!! Penelope and The Chorincle of Spiderwick! And she talked like a train too!!! :>
The Chronicle of Spiderwick / Penelope
Ms Nor Afni Yusuff
She is me BEL 120 lecturer. She is the first lecturer that attend our class. It is very happening in her class. Besides teaching us, she also share many external information with us, and it is very useful for me. In her class, we also have the chance to watch movie, but cartoon one. Such as Finding Nemo and my favourite one, Beauty and the Beast.
She is very cool, kind, and happy-go-lucky. But she also quite sensitive too. She is so sweet, she have a very natural beauty. I like to talk with her, she always polish up my English speaking!

Beauty and the Beast / Finding Nemo
Finish about my lecturers. I love them very much! Thank you for teaching me!!! You are so great!!!
Im not sure how many times i found my students talk about me n other lecturer in their blog but 1 thing for sure, this is the first time it comes with our picture as well :)
Glad to hear you finally know CSC134 help u a lot in some part of ur life...Good luck
OMG! how u find out me blog mdm? => adui.. malunye....
anyway, thanks mdm, i'll concder it as a praise.. ^^ senang2 comment le lg.. +>
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